Saturday 30 April 2016

The swatch bharat abhiyan. how successful is it?


Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) is a programme run by the government to fulfil the vision of Mahatma Gandhi, which is being in a state of Clean India. To clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country, this mission covers 4,041 statutory cities and towns. It was launched on the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, which was on 2 October, 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi. This mission is planned to be successful with the active participation of all the people living in India.


 The effect of abhiyan

About 3 million government employees, school and college students of India have participated in the event while launching the India's biggest ever cleanliness drives. The basic goal behind launching the Swachh Bharat Mission is to make the country hygiene and eliminate all the unhealthy practices of people in a daily basis. On 25th of September in 2014, the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi have initiated the first ever cleanliness drive in India by cleaning the road. It would indirectly draw the attention of business investors in India, after this mission’s successful completion. And at the same time it would enhance the growth in GDP, draw the attention of tourists from all over the world, bring variety of employment opportunities, and it would also help in reducing health costs, death rates, and lethal disease rate etc.

This mission is expected to be completed in five years, i.e. from the year 2014 to the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi (2nd October of 2019). For the smooth move of this programme, there are various implementation policies and mechanisms are introduced. The important three phases are planning phase, implementation phase and sustainability phase.  It is urged by the government to people to spend their only hundred hours of the year towards cleanliness in their surrounding areas or other places of India to really make it a successful campaign.



After taking into account the field study, it is revealed that the Swachh Bharath campaign is very popular among the Indians. And there is a positive attitude of the people towards this mission. The mission is declared to be completed within the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2 October 2019. But as far as 100 respondents opinion is concerned at the time of April 2016, the success rate is on an average 3 out of 5. And we have only 3 more years left in order to complete the Clean India campaign. Therefore it seems that the success rate has to be accelerated in order to reach the goal. And more awareness about the mission has to be given throughout the year.


Indian education system

Indian states have the authority to decide the policies and implementing it regarding to the education. The government of India has limited authority to decide the standard of higher education. But this was renewed after 1976so there was a change in constitutional amendment policies and programs in the national level of the government of India thought the state government have the liberty to implement these programs.

The school level in India is divided into 4 levels:

1) Lower primary of 1 to 5th class aging from 6 to 10 years.

2) Upper primary of  6 to 7th class aging from 11 to 12 years.

3) Highschool of 8 to 10th class aging from 13 to 15 years.

4) High secondary of 11 to 12th class aging from 17 to 18 years.

There are probably three streams in institutional education in India of which two are coordinated with national level and one with an important Central Board of Secondary Board of Education (CBSE) for the children of central government employees who're transferred and may have to shift from one place to a different within the country. Under this all the schools follow textbooks written and published by NCRERT, and the CBSE  syllabus is followed by private schools in the country, different text books are followed by those schools and they follow different schedules. Second central scheme of education is the Indian certificate of secondary education (ICSE). This used to be started a replacement for  The Cambridge school certificates. Both CBSE and ICSE conduct their possess examination throughout  the country. State schools,Each state in the country has its possess division of schooling that has its own tuition procedure with its own textbooks and analysis techniques. The curriculum, pedagogy and analysis method are generally determined with the aid of the SCERT in the state, following the country wide directions prescribed with the aid of NCERT. The state government functions  schools by its own land and resourses and by making payments to staff by possess resources. These are customarily referred to as Government schools.

As this research is based on the declining rate of government schools in Dakshina Kannada by considering these problem government of Karnataka has undergone various facilities to the students to increase the strength of the students.


·         Free and compulsory education.

·         Free textbooks

·         Free uniform (2 sets)

·         Stationary, notebooks and free bag

·         Inspire award for students who are brilliant in science.

·         Mid day meal

·         Free health check-up

·         Kshira Bhagya yojana

·         RBSK

·         Free computer education

·         Free cycle distribution

·         Deposit of 2rs everyday for 1 standard girl  child

·         Scholarship for minority, backward and SCST
Parents prefer to admit their children in English medium schools than in Government schools because parents believe that students get individual attention when admitted to English medium school.Due to number of dropouts from government schools, government is forced to shut down schools.Lack of infrastructure facility such as  pure drinking water and proper sanitation facility is leading to more number of dropouts from schools.Lack of teaching methodology in government school teachers leads to decreses in the strength of studmets in goverement schools.The implication of RTE acts from private institution which reduces the strength of government schools.Opportunity provided by private schools for children such as giving a scholarship or free education for academic merit and SCST students. So in order to increase the students in governmet schools and to attract the students government have introduced various new ideas like “nali kali” teaching method and mid day meals scholarships to students and various other facilities which are free. So should look after this serious issue of children not joining for government schools.
But there are many districts in Karnataka where students are increasing in government schools. Because the introduction of various facilities which will attract the parents and believing that the strength of students may increase by introducing these facilities in the future.

Impact of technology in todays world


The technology has a very important role to play in this modern world. It plays a major role in one’s life. Technology can be used in forecasting the basis of growth of an economy. A nation with the poor technology can never grow in today’s world. This is mainly because of the reason that technology has made our work much easier and less time consuming. Coming to impact of technology, it can be felt in almost every possible field, one such field is Education. As we have considered technology in education, we must consider the impact of that technology on the students, especially students in higher education. What role does technology have for different students of higher education? This research article will show a correlation between the positive effects of technology in education on students related to greater academic level of performances and also critical learnings. Furthermore, we would also show the positive effects, through the use of technologies in the classroom. The Combination of education and technology is likely to create a more stimulating learning environment. In order to accomplish a higher order thinking skills such as, critical, creative and independent thinking, the applications of technology and improved motivation and attitudes, there must be effective usage of technology in day to day activities. This research paper clearly describes some of the major impacts of technology on education through the experiences of students.


The impact

Technology is one of the most important tool in the field of education. Technology helps the students to understand the concepts easier and also have a clear idea about the subject matter. In the present scenario, technology is not only beneficiary to the student, but it is also helpful to the teachers. Use of technological advancements, tools, modern gadgets have made classes more interesting, and also helped the teachers to grab the attention of the students. In simple it has made the life of both the parties easier. Today many types of technology serve in the field of education. Some of the shapes of technology are simple to understand, where as other forms are so complex. Technology has been serving in the field of education from past few years, With the integration of technology in education, the behavior of students in class is more active. Today, Students are more active in their learning and also more participative in their nature. There have been many technological advances in education over the past few years. As we look at our past, a few years ago, computers were used only in offices and rarely in classrooms. But in the present context there has been a tremendous development in the field of technology which has enhanced the learning and also education. Students as well as children of present world are considered “digital natives”. In the words of Wikipedia, The digital natives are described as, having been grown up with digital technology such as the internet, computers, cell phones, digital camera and MP3 players. By making use of computers in every household as well as every school has extensively increased student’s awareness of technology and also broadened their level of thinking about the global economy and also technology. In this modern era, students make use of their smart phones so that can do many amazing things, creative learnings such as getting the exact updates of their savings bank account information’s, for making e payments, download of information off the internet, watch TV, shopping or even to create a movie. At present scenario we cannot imagine going through our everyday life without the help of a computer or mobile or latest gadgets. It could be a very tough job to imagine. With the help of internet connection students and teachers have built a excellent connection in terms of academics and also are linked with outside world. The computers can help us in efficient learning and also help in improvement of skills and also develop our thinking skills, when there is usage of technology in a meaningful and in a right manner. Technological developments have helps in improvising the communication skills and also improvements in educational methods. It also facilitated in innovations in educational platform. There has been greater effort  by some of the people in order to reach out the educational programs to a fast growing population of students with the help of  the internet. With the help of technological improvements in learning, it has helped the students who are willing to get education through distance education. The computers have helped the students as well as teachers in exchange of ideas as well as useful stuff  through internet. There can be quality learning possible with the emerging technologies in the present generation.



Finally, to conclude, technology has both positive as well as negative impact on education. This argument was also agreed by our respondents of study. Young generation must make use the benefits, i.e. from positive aspects of technology. Though technology has some of the drawbacks one must try to ignore such negative impacts which would lead to decrease in productivity. If the technology is used in a right manner one can excel in every field that he wishes to. Especially he use of technology in academics is very essential,which would definitely help to yield better results. Today technology plays a major role in educational sector. If the young people are educated by well equipped technological developments a nation could be largely benefitted by such improvements and nation could be developed nation.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Societies Influence over Individual’s Preference on Education


Society means the composite of people living together in a more or less ordered community.  Individual means a particular person or a single human being distinct from a group.

 Individual is the part of the society. The relationship between society and individual is very close. Man depends on society. As a human being, man cannot live without association. So man’s life is to an enormous extent a group life.

Man is a social animal not only by nature but also by necessity. Many of man’s needs and his necessities will remain unfulfilled without the co-operation of his fellow beings. His psychological safeties, social recognition, love and self-actualization needs are fulfilled only by living within the society. He is totally dependent for his survival upon the existence of society.

Human cannot survive without society and societies cannot exist without members. Still there may be conflicts between the individual and society. The relation between individual and society has been an interesting and a complex problem at the same time. It can be stated more or less that it has defied all solutions so far.


As human decisions in relationships, education, purchasing a commodity, constructing a house and in many fields are influenced by society, many people wish to know how society influence individual in the respective fields. Our paper helps us to know how an individual is influenced by society at the time of taking a decision, exclusively in the field of education. That is, how society’s perception, thought, critics, attitude, behaviour influence an individual at the time of taking a decision in his education field.


This research will be prepared based on primary data. We have chosen the descriptive research design for the survey. We will try to analyse if the students are really influenced by society while taking decision regarding their education. We interview and collect information from people through questionnaires.

For this purpose of study we will consider the sample size of 100 respondents of the age group 16 to 26 from NET educational institutions in Nitte. The study will be conducted in the month of May. As this academic study has its own limited scope in terms of subject coverage it may not exhibit a larger picture of the problem.

Most of the students at present day select courses of their own interest. This is a good method which should be adopted by a student while selecting a particular course. This is because, student feel satisfied and happy after entering or completing the course which he selects to study on his own interest. If the society, that is, student’s parents or friends or teachers influence the decision of a student, then this may lead to wrong selection of course and at the end the student will not be satisfied. But there is a small role which has to be played by the society when a student makes a decision. It’s not all the time, but at times student wants help of parents and teachers and friends while making a decision regarding his selection of course. Society as well as the student must make sure that the role of society should not untrack a student from his interest.



The most challenging concept in Indian economy deals with understanding problems of weaker sections. The government plays a major role by providing various services through public sector. In India, public sector generates large number of employment opportunities and by providing employment it leads to higher standard of living. Thereby, Public sector has larger share in the growth of countries economic condition.

Today reservation has become a matter of debate. In India reservation means a quota-based approach which includes scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes. The reservation system was advocated by B R.Ambedkar, a 10 year period of constituencies and wanted to be make it permanent. But he had made a statement it will be discontinued 10 years after the adaptation of constitution .The main aim was to bring oppressed class to main stream. Earlier, Dalits were rejected due to their caste in Indian public sector. Reservation provides a solution to many problems. Since the act has been passed by the Government of India it created controversies, behind those controversies it had achieved the growth of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. After implementing Reservation, people got more opportunities to explore themselves in job. So the recruitment of weaker section under reservation quotas made to increase economic condition.Thereby, in some extent poverty has been eradicated.


Theoretical background

The back ground behind the caste system was originated for a more than two thousand years  ago. There are two concepts in the caste system namely, ‘Varna’ and ‘jati’. Varna is referred to as class and jati means caste. According to the ancient Hindu religious book Rig Veda, the primal man destroyed himself for the creation of human society and four different varnas were created from different parts of this body. Brahmins were created from his head, Kshatriyas from his hands, Vaishyas from his thighs and Shudras from his feet. Varna refers to four social classes that existed in the Vedic period namely Brahmins-the priests, Kshatriyas-kings and warriors, Vaishyas-merchants and landowners, Shudras the servants. Finally untouchables that falls out of the Varna system. This group was not allowed to enter any of the temples and to take part in any of the religious ceremonies. Jati refers to birth and people are divided into different castes by their occupation and it is hereditary and all the jatis belong to one of the four varnas. These caste systems are also practiced in other religions like Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. The most common form of caste discrimination in India was the practice of untouchability. Scheduled Castes also known as Dalits were the main targets. Scheduled Tribes also called adivasis are people residing in forests. Since India followed a certain type of racism, the makers of Indian constitution introduced reservation while the Indian constitution was drafted. The main objective of caste reservation system is to uplift these backward class people and to enhance educational and job opportunities in India. Present caste based reservations as per the government of India for Scheduled caste’s  is 15 percent and Scheduled tribes is  7.5% of vacancies in public sector and government aided educational institutes.


We conclude from this study, that SC’s utilize the benefits given to them effectively but ST’s are not coming forward to use the complete benefits given. This may be due to some problems that they were facing like, social discrimination, lack of awareness about the vacancies in the jobs, reservation, lack of qualification and comfort in the job. This can be overcome by creating awareness among those groups of people about the jobs and encourage them to apply for the same.

Government has undertaken some measures to overcome this, by introducing reservations in educational sectors and making school education up to the age of 14 years compulsory and by providing them free lunch in schools to encourage poor children to go to the schools and gain enough knowledge and make themselves eligible for various jobs.