Thursday 28 April 2016

Societies Influence over Individual’s Preference on Education


Society means the composite of people living together in a more or less ordered community.  Individual means a particular person or a single human being distinct from a group.

 Individual is the part of the society. The relationship between society and individual is very close. Man depends on society. As a human being, man cannot live without association. So man’s life is to an enormous extent a group life.

Man is a social animal not only by nature but also by necessity. Many of man’s needs and his necessities will remain unfulfilled without the co-operation of his fellow beings. His psychological safeties, social recognition, love and self-actualization needs are fulfilled only by living within the society. He is totally dependent for his survival upon the existence of society.

Human cannot survive without society and societies cannot exist without members. Still there may be conflicts between the individual and society. The relation between individual and society has been an interesting and a complex problem at the same time. It can be stated more or less that it has defied all solutions so far.


As human decisions in relationships, education, purchasing a commodity, constructing a house and in many fields are influenced by society, many people wish to know how society influence individual in the respective fields. Our paper helps us to know how an individual is influenced by society at the time of taking a decision, exclusively in the field of education. That is, how society’s perception, thought, critics, attitude, behaviour influence an individual at the time of taking a decision in his education field.


This research will be prepared based on primary data. We have chosen the descriptive research design for the survey. We will try to analyse if the students are really influenced by society while taking decision regarding their education. We interview and collect information from people through questionnaires.

For this purpose of study we will consider the sample size of 100 respondents of the age group 16 to 26 from NET educational institutions in Nitte. The study will be conducted in the month of May. As this academic study has its own limited scope in terms of subject coverage it may not exhibit a larger picture of the problem.

Most of the students at present day select courses of their own interest. This is a good method which should be adopted by a student while selecting a particular course. This is because, student feel satisfied and happy after entering or completing the course which he selects to study on his own interest. If the society, that is, student’s parents or friends or teachers influence the decision of a student, then this may lead to wrong selection of course and at the end the student will not be satisfied. But there is a small role which has to be played by the society when a student makes a decision. It’s not all the time, but at times student wants help of parents and teachers and friends while making a decision regarding his selection of course. Society as well as the student must make sure that the role of society should not untrack a student from his interest.

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